Where You're Always Welcome

Happy Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July

Summer has always been my favorite season!  There are so many reasons I love it.  As a child it meant no school and days filled with friends, swimming, and playing outdoors.  I was blessed to live next door to my grandparents so I spent at least part of every day over there creating wonderful memories for me to reflect upon as I got older.  As an adult, I love the summer because it means my kids are home from school and I can spend much more time with them and their friends – an opportunity I’ll take anytime! Whether it’s a planned vacation, impromptu game night, sitting on the front porch with the dogs or just the commotion of kids in and out of the house; I love the activities of summer.

One of my favorite things is our annual Fourth of July party. I love the process of planning the party and organizing the various components of the day from the food, to the games, to the entertainment.  Each year I try to do something a bit different. Throughout the years the kids have grown and so has the number of people. Flags

We try to make sure we have activities for all ages. We have all sorts of yard games like volleyball, Spikeball, Kan Jam, Bocce etc… I put some playing cards out on the tables for the older folks in case they want to play around of Rummy while they sit and watch the young kids run around.

When the kids were younger it meant things like holding the “Olympics” in our backyard.  We had old fashion events like sack races and wheelbarrow races to name a few.  We held a kickball tournament one year and mowed our yard to have the lines and bases. As the ages changed so did our events.  The need for a bouncy house is no more.

Instead for example, this year we have planned a cornhole tournament.  My Dad made us regulation size boards. Together with our close friends we painted them.  It’s been so much fun seeing how into it we all have gotten – right down to making brackets, buying coordinating bags to match the cornhole boards  and creating a “corny prize” for the winner. I’ll let you know who ended up the “Boss of the Toss.”  Happy Fourth of July!

Cornhole board





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