For years we’ve been building gingerbread houses with the kids. It started when they were little as an activity to do with them on a cold winter day. They had more icing on their hands than on the houses but it was all about them having fun, being creative, and eating candy. As they grew older they’d have friends over and it was something they would do after playing in the snow. As years went on, it somehow just became a tradition in our house that we were going to make gingerbread houses. I remember having ten or so of my son’s elementary friends over to decorate them. It was so neat seeing the expressions on the little kids faces seeing all the
candies and goodies waiting for them to dig into. One year we had my daughter’s high school basketball team over with their families for a team Christmas party. The girls all built beautiful edible houses to bring home to display. This year, it was a smaller group, dressed in pajamas and sipping hot cocoa, but we made them and the tradition continued.
I think someday, I’d like to challenge myself to make real gingerbread from scratch and build something amazing, but for now, the store bought kits and an array of of candy embellishments will do. Remember, it’s about making the memories and spending time together that’s important and looking back on years past. I remember one year, my kids were really young and they decorated ice cream cones to look like Christmas trees – green frosting and beaded candies. Well, we came home one night and a tree was missing from the little village scene. We looked and looked and came to the conclusion that our dog, Belle must have hid it. (She had a very cute habit of hiding goodies under our pillows or tucking them into a cushion as if she was leaving us gifts) Well, do you know, it was probably 3 months later we found that little frosted tree. Sure enough, Belle had tucked it way down deep into my little girl’s doll crib. Keep up those traditions, it’s what brings family and friends getting together and laughing about Christmases past. It gives us a sense of belonging and comfort. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!